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Vorheriger Beitrag
Expression of RHAMM and WT1 as well as T cell responses to these antigens before and after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with leukemia.
Nächster Beitrag
Expression of and CD8+ T cell responses to Wilms´tumor gene 1 (WT1) in patients with AML or MDS after chemotherapy and allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Institut für Experimentelle Gentherapie und Tumorforschung
Core-Facility Virale Vektor & Genom-Editing Technologien
Biomedizinisches Forschungszentrum
Schillingallee 69
D-18057 Rostock
Ingrid Winkler
(+49) 381 494-5066(+49) 381 494-5062
Department Leben, Licht & Materie
Forschungsbau LL&M
Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
D-18059 Rostock
Forschungsbau LL&M
Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
D-18059 Rostock