M.Sc. Biologie

José Dinis da Silva Faustino

PhD student
(+49) 381 494-4958

About me

I am a biologist and biomedical engineer by training with a general interest in life science technology. The exciting combination of molecular biology, stem cells, tissue and genetic engineering that entails Regenerative Medicine was the driving force that led me to do a PhD. As a part of a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) project, the idea is to develop an in vivo and in vitro a fully functional and characterized biological sino-atrial node system.

Curriculum Vitae

PhD-candidate at IEGT, University Medicine Rostock; Development and Application of Optimized Cardio-Specific Ad Vector-based Systems for In Situ Establishment of Biological Pacemakers
Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Porto University; Thesis: Recapitulating cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury in human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in a microfluidic organ-on-a-chip device” – AST Group (Applied Stem Cells Technologies), Twente University, The Netherlands
Bachelor's degree in Biology, Science Faculty, Porto University; Thesis: “Tumor microenvironment: Exploring interactions between cancer cells and macrophages” – INEB (National Institute Biomedical Engineering), Porto, Portugal
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